
You can order authorizations regarding your eligibility for allowances or benefits paid to you by the National Insurance. The authorizations you ordered will be sent to your home by regular mail, using the address available in the records of the National Insurance.

Other ways to obtain authorizations (with a password)

Please note that the authorizations issued through the website are similar to those available at branches.



Annual authorization of payments

An annual authorization including information on the benefit payments received by the insured in the requested year as well as relevant information in relation to the take up of rights at the National Insurance. It also includes an authorization of information about insurance contributions paid by the insured who is not a salaried employee during the requested year.

Order Annual authorization of payments
Annual authorization of eligibility for benefits
Annual authorization including information about eligibility / ineligibility for a benefit from the National Insurance.
Order Annual authorization of eligibility for benefits


Authorization of Entitlement to Alimony

Authorization specifying the gross amount of the allowance paid, the amount deducted from the allowance for health insurance and the amount actually paid.

Order Authorization of Entitlement to Alimony

Maternity Allowance

Annual Authorization for Income Tax

Annual authorization of payment of maternity allowance for income tax purposes.

Order Annual Authorization for Income Tax

Child Allowance

Authorization of Entitlement to Child Allowance

Authorization of entitlement to child allowance detailing the amounts paid to the insured person over the past three months.
The authorization indicates the future allowance and the number of children for whom the allowance is paid.

Order Authorization of Entitlement to Child Allowance

Disabled child

Quarterly authorization of eligibility

Quarterly authorization (last 3 months) of payment of disabled child allowance. The authorization mentions the gross allowance amount, the established degree of disability and the starting date, as well as the first day of eligibility.
When ordering the authorization, one must enter the child's ID number and his or her date of birth.

Order Quarterly authorization of eligibility
Authorization of monthly payment

Authorization regarding the payment of disabled child allowance in the last month. The authorization includes the details of gross payment amounts, deductions and net payment.

Order Authorization of monthly payment

General Disability / Attendance Allowance

Annual Authorization of Payments

Annual authorization regarding the payment of disablity pension and attendance allowance. The authorization includes a detailed calendar of payments, types of disability, gross amounts of payment, deductions and net payments at the bank.

Order Annual Authorization of Payments
Annual Authorization of Entitlement

​Annual authorization of entitlement to disability pension and attendance allowance. The authorization details the entitlement for every month according to existing data at the NII on the day of production of the authorization.

Order Annual Authorization of Entitlement
Authorization of Medical Disability

​Authorization stating the percentage of medical disability as established for general disabilty.

Order Authorization of Medical Disability

Health Insurance

Single Membership Authorization

Authorization of single membership in a sick fund, indicating the fund of which the person is a member and the date he joined it.

Order Single Membership Authorization
Family Membership Authorization

Authorization of family membership in a sick fund, indicating the fund of which the person and his family are members and the date they joined it.

Order Family Membership Authorization

Work Disability and Dependents

Authorization of Payments of Work Disability Pension

A three-month authorization (last three months) of payment of work disability pension. The authorization details the gross amount of the pension, the date of injury, the percentage of disability that has been determined and the type of disability.

Order Authorization of Payments of Work Disability Pension
Annual Authorization of Payments related to Work Disability

An annual authorization of payment of work disability pension. specifying the gross amount of the pension, the date of injury, the percentage of disability that has been determined and the type of disability.

Order Annual Authorization of Payments related to Work Disability

Income Support

Authorization of Entitlement to Income Support Benefit

Authorization of payment of income support benefit, specifying the amounts paid, beginning date of entitlement and the composition of the family for which benefit is paid.

Order Authorization of Entitlement to Income Support Benefit

Work Injury Allowance

Annual Authorization for Income Tax

Annual authorization of injury allowance payments and tax reductions for income tax purposes.

Order Annual Authorization for Income Tax

Insurance contributions

Coordination of insurance contributions

An authorization of coordination of national insurance contributions can be issued on the payments website.

Order Coordination of insurance contributions
Authorization of Non-Working Status

Authorization for the insured who is registered with the National Insurance as a non-working person, academic student or Yeshiva student, who pays insurance contributions at the minimum rate.

Order Authorization of Non-Working Status
Authorization of account details

List of actions carried out on the account of the insured person in terms of collection, the authorization includes details the data regarding credits and debits.

Order Authorization of account details
Annual Authorization for Income Tax - Insurance and Collection

This authorization cannot be ordered temporarily through the website, to order the authorization you can contact a branch or send an inquiry.

Order Annual Authorization for Income Tax - Insurance and Collection

Long-Term Care

Authorization of Receipt of Long-term Care Benefit

Authorization of entitlement to long-term care benefit, specifying  the percentage of eligibility that has been determined for the insure person, for who the benefit is paid and the first day of eligibility.

Order Authorization of Receipt of Long-term Care Benefit


Annual authorization of eligibility

This is an annual authorization of eligibility for mobility benefit.
The authorization details eligibility on a monthly basis relying on existing data at the National Insurance on the day of issuance of the authorization.

Order Annual authorization of eligibility
Disability percentage certificateDisability percentage certificateOrder Disability percentage certificate

Reserve Service

Authorization of Payment of Reserve Service Benefits

Annual authorization of payment of reserve service benefits.

Order Authorization of Payment of Reserve Service Benefits


Authorization of payment of survivors' pension

This is a quarterly authorization (last 3 months) of payment of survivors' pension. The authorization mentions the gross pension amount and the first day eligibility.

Order Authorization of payment of survivors' pension
Annual authorization of payment of survivors' pension

The authorization mentions the gross and net amount of the pension and its monthly payment breakdown.

Order Annual authorization of payment of survivors' pension


Authorization of Payments

The authorization lists payments made, taxes deducted and number of days paid, as well as the number of unemployment days used out of the maximum number allowed for unemployment benefit..

Order Authorization of Payments
Annual Income Tax Authorization - Unemployment

Annual authorization of payment of unemployment benefits for income tax purposes.

Order Annual Income Tax Authorization - Unemployment

Work Periods

Authorization of Insurance Periods and Employers

Authorization of insurance periods as listed in the National Insurance records. The authorization details the following by different insurance periods: the total months of insurance, the employer's file number and address.

Order Authorization of Insurance Periods and Employers